© 2001 - 2024 Disclaimer Statement for GetAbout Australia

GetAbout Australia is a World Wide Web publication of David Lewis for GetAbout Australia


GetAbout Australia has tried to ensure that the information on this website is as accurate as possible.
Whilst GetAbout Australia makes every effort to ensure correct information, we cannot take responsibility for any errors or omissions.
GetAbout Australia accepts no responsibility for any loss, injury or inconvenience by any person resulting from information published on this site.
Whilst every effort is made to provide up-to-date and accurate information, the material contained in these timetables is subject to change without notice, and no liability can be accepted by the publisher for any missed connections or for services that no longer operate or have times different to those shown.

Connection Policy

The criteria for a connection is generally, either:
* the operator of the services advertises this as a connection, irrespective of the time provided to make this connection;
* based on practical knowledge, the expectation that a reasonable person, of average fitness, could make such a connection.
Criteria include, but are not limited to: distance between pick up and set down points; complexity of an interchange site; and time that the on-going operator requires for check-in.
People who are not of average fitness should consider allowing extra time between connections.
Transfer times are given, but how a passenger chooses to make that transfer is not included or inferred in the results, and no indication is given about proximity between transfer points.


GetAbout Australia follows the Australian National Privacy Principles
regulated under the Privacy Act 1988 (as amended by the Privacy Amendment (Private Sector) Act 2000).
GetAbout Australia might collect and store personal information you might give us when you request a product or service from us. This information may include your intended travel dates, place of departure, intended destination and whether you are an adult or a child, your name, address, telephone numbers and or e-mail address. It may include transactional information about your use of our products and services. This might include the result of your searches, information about your computer, and processes involved in your giving feedback.
We may collect personal information about you when you deal with us over the telephone, send us correspondence (whether by letter, fax or email), visit our web sites or when you have contact with us in person. As well as collecting information directly from you, there may be occasions when we collect information about you from a third party, for example, from people making travel enquiries on your behalf.
We generally collect your personal information for, but not confined to the following purposes: processing your enquiry; being aware of any special travel requirements you may have; addressing any feedback or complaints you may have; and, answering any queries you may have.
We may disclose your personal information to third parties, for example, to our contractors to whom we contract out certain services. We may also disclose your personal information to various law enforcement agencies and governments around the world for security purposes. Other than the above, we will not disclose your personal information without your consent unless disclosure is either necessary to prevent a threat to life or health, authorised or required by law, reasonably necessary to enforce the law or necessary to investigate a suspected unlawful activity.
On request, we can provide you with access to the information we hold about you, unless there is an exception which applies under the National Privacy Principles, including for the purpose of correcting or updating that information. If failure or refusal to provide you with access to the information occurs, we will provide you with reasons for the refusal and inform you of any exceptions relied upon under the National Privacy Principles.
We endeavour to ensure that your personal information is accurate, complete, and up-to-date whenever we collect or use it. For any inaccurate, incomplete or out-of-date information we will take reasonable steps to either correct this information, or if necessary, discuss alternative action with you.
If you wish to gain access to your personal information, have a complaint about a breach of your privacy or if you have any query on how your personal information is collected or used please forward your request, complaint or query to the email address below. We will respond to your query or complaint as soon as possible.
Where necessary GetAbout Australia may amend this Privacy Statement as our business requirements or the law changes. Any changes to this Privacy Statement will be updated on our website to ensure that you have our most current privacy statement.

For further information please contact us.

Visit our Feedback page for comments, reporting errors and updates.